10 Questions for 2015 BTE KOC Pro Electronics Champion Daniel Rolison of Saucier, MS.
1-Daniel congrats on your 2nd KOC Points Championship. To start off did having the experience of winning your 1st KOC championship help you during 2015 season while on your way to your 2nd KOC Championship? – “Yes, winning in 2013 showed me that I needed to win at least 3 rounds per day; therefore, I set that as a goal for 2015.”
2-Please give us an outline on how many years you have been racing. What do you consider some of your career highlights? “I began racing since I was 16 years old. Some of my career highlights include: winning a B&M race, my 2913 KOC Championship and multiple big dollar bracket races.”
3-Daniel run the viewers through what is your process from pulling out of staging lanes to the finish line. “My process is that I figure out who my opponent is and then I determine what is the best strategy to beat that opponent. Then I mentally prepare myself for multiple situations. I do my burnout as consistently as possible. Then I pre-stage. After I pre-stage I find my spot to drive on my opponent. Then I attempt to crush it and execute my game plan and hope the electricity comes on in my lane.”
4-What racer(s) would you say have had the most impact on your racing career and why? “. There are many who I have observed who have impacted my racing career. One would be my good friend, AJ Ashe, who has taught me to keep my composure and remain level-headed.”
5-Along the Gulf Coast Region from Baton Rouge to Pensacola give us your Top 10 Active Bracket Racers off the Top Bulb and briefly tell us why they are on your Top 10 list. “. 1) Me 2) Me 3) Me etc. The reason for this answer is when I go to a bracket race, I feel like I am the best racer there. This may sound cocky but I feel like I can lay down the best packages. I feel the races I go ro are my races to lose.”
6-Now give us your Top 10 Bracket racers active and nonnative in a National Scale. “I only have one racer I truly appreciate. He has done a lot for himself and our sport. That is my friend, Luke Bogacki. He has truly earned everything he had accomplished in racing. I have learned many things from him.”
7-What are your racing plans for 2016? “I plan to hit the KOC series, race in Atmore’s big ollar races, go to the Great American Race, and race in Montgomery and Monroe.”
8-Daniel just being in your early 30’s you already have 14 years of bracket racing experience. What are the changes you have made that comes to mind when it comes to racing career? “A few changes that come to mind see how much tighter I set up on the race and also how many numbers I have in my pocket”
9-Do have that double-edged sword called the “bump down” in your car? How many “numbers” do you generally have in your bump down and why? “Yes, I have a bump up and down. I constantly change how many numbers it bumps. It depends on how well I’m on the tree.”
10-If you could change one thing about bracket racing what would it be? “. I would change the red light rule. I would like to see whomever red lights the worse would be the loser.”
Thanks for time Daniel. “I want to thank my family for supporting my racing career. I also want to thank David and Bonnie at Mcmurty’s Automotive for everything they do for me. Next I want to thank Brandon Barrentine at BTE/Memphis Performance. Finally I want to thank God.”